Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Opening Titles - Billing Order - Henali

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The opening titles below are credits of different movies that fall into the Teen Drama Genre category. As you can see from below, there are many different types of movies that have been listed and have come out during different periods of time. There are many similarities and differences between the movie credits as well as the timings of them.

Speak was a movie that falls into the teen drama genre which was released in 2004. This movie was produced by Fred Berner and directed by Jessica Sharzer. This movie had quite a lot of credit titles which exceeded to 3:30 minutes. By looking at this, it suggests that lots of detail was added to movie in the opening titles as it was the main thing people saw when the movie started. For example, back then, the audience waited for the producer, director and the main characters names to come up as this allowed them to get into the mood of the movie. Moreover, back then, there were huge pauses between different credits for example after 38 seconds of the production company, the cast appeared on the screen. This had positively impacted the producers and directors as this helped them to raise awareness and popularize the different stars that had casted in their movie. This way, it would encourage the audience to watch more of their movies as they will have high expectations for the movie due to the actors. 

Juno is another teen drama movie that was written by Diablo Cody and directed by Jason Reitman, it was released in 2007. As you can see from the timeline above, the credits of the movie were very long as it exceeded to 4 minutes. This showed that the credit titles had been put on for longer to interest the audience until the movie starts. In addition to this, the timings of each credits have been extended between each other which is why they are there for long. For example, 11 seconds after the title; the casts started to appear on the screen. This showed a big pause between the title and casts as the producer may want the audience to think about the title of the movie.

The last movie I had researched about was The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It was directed and screen played by Stephen Chbosky. This movie was a recent movie that was released two years ago (2012). As you can see from the timeline above, there had been many changes made to the credit titles and the timings of the titles. For example, from the timeline we can see that the timing of the opening titles exceeds to less than 2 minutes. This has positively impacted the way individuals go to see movies now as they aren't really bothered about the credits anymore whereas, back in the days, those were the first things the audience would spot and take interest in. In addition to this, the timing difference between the different titles is short which helps to decrease the opening titles timing. As well as this, people now look at different posters and search up about the movie which allows them to be aware of the different actors and actresses that are present in the movie. 

After researching about the different opening titles in three different movies during different time periods, I have found changes that have gradually been taken into account. Firstly, the timing has been a major aspect that has been worked on real hard. I say this because if you look at the three different timelines, you are able to see that it is gradually decreasing which means that timing can make a huge difference to the audience's mood on the movie. For example, if the movie has too many credits, the audience may start to get bored of reading the different names however, it can positively impact the audience as well as the film company if there are short credits that last no longer than 2 minutes. Another element that has been taken into account is the pauses between the different credits. As you can see, during the Speak movie, there were long pauses between the titles which also longed out the opening titles. However, as you look at the last timeline of the movie, you are able to see that the differences between the timings of the credits are short. 
During this research, I was also able to see the pattern between the three opening titles of the movies and the conventional orders. As you can see from the timelines above, the conventional order of a teen drama film is the distribution company followed by the production company and then the title and casts. During the end of the opening titles, it finishes of with the executive producers, producer, screenplay and then the director. This is the conventional order that our group will follow so that our movie can become a success instead of a failure due to the opening titles.

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