Remake Evaluation
From making a remake it help me understand they different shots that can be used to create a film opening. In the remake my group has made there was a lot of close-ups of objects and different angel. To know how to do the different angle shot and close up will help me and my group as we will know how to get close-ups of objects and how to get good angles of different shot. Also this was a grate film opening to use as it lets us experience how to focus and zoom at the same time to create a different mood so the audience knows that it is a film. The skill that I have to develop is how to zoom and focus on a object at the same time as I had trouble doing that; and try not to shake when recording as it does not look professional and will make the real task look bad unless is a action sense that need that kind of shot. I think the remake task help me in a way that is hard to zoom and focus on the object at the same time and that is try to use a thri-pod to film as it will turn out to be a shaking sense which is not good for my main task.
By: Evelina Zliobaite
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